


KDF®-85 is a high-purity copper-zinc process media that is offered in granule form, with coarse and fine mesh sizes. It is non-toxic, 100% recyclable and contains no chemical additives. It targets iron and hydrogen sulfide, also controlling scale, bacteria, and algae.

KDF®-85 medium removes more than 90% of iron from groundwater supplies. When left untreated, iron can impart objectionable taste and color to potable water and can severely stain household fixtures. KDF® process media not only removes iron from water, but also costs less, with one-third as much KDF®-85 medium providing three times the effective flow rate compared to alternate filter media. KDF®-85 media also eliminates hydrogen sulfide, a highly corrosive gas formed in groundwater when bacteria decompose vegetation and other organic matter. This safe and economical treatment method converts the hydrogen sulfide gas to an insoluble sulfide, an inert and harmless precipitant, then filters the precipitant from the water, with periodic backwashing eliminating accumulations in the media bed.

Process Media Product Range

  • Standard original formula and mesh size of KDF® Process Media.
  • Fine mesh granules, ideal for use in carbon blocks and other matrix systems.
  • Coarse granules for heavy metal and chlorine removal, perfect for systems needing less pressure drop.

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